Jacob Baker
Born: March 16th, 1827
Died: September 22nd, 1903
Jacob Baker, an old resident of this city, residing at 1211 North Ninth St. was instantly killed by Rock Island passenger train No. 2 at the Flint River bridge, north of the city, about 1:40 o’clock this afternoon. Mr. Baker came up the embankment directly in front of the train and was not seen by the engineer until it was too late. The train was moving rapidly and the pilot of the engine struck the old man knocking him down the bank. The train was stopped at once and the crew hurried back to the prostrate form of the victim. He breathed a few times after being picked up and then expired. The remains were brought to this city and Coroner Unterkircher took them in charge.
Conductor James McPartland was in charge of the train and on the engine were Engineer Tom Jones and Fireman E. Veil. It appears that the accident was one of those distressingly unavoidable affairs. The first intimation Engineer Jones had of the danger was when the pilot was almost touching the unfortunate victim. He made every effort to stop, but it was useless.
Jacob Baker has resided in Burlington many years. He was about sixty-five years of age and until several years ago was a teamster. He retired from active labor and was living quietly with his wife and daughter and her husband, the latter, Louis Thalheimer, the well-known spectacle vendor, and optician. This morning Mr. and Mrs. Thalheimer went to the grocer's excursion and Mr. Baker taking his tackle and some lunch started out for Flint creek, to spend the day fishing. It is supposed that he was about to search for a more favorable locality and in crossing the track did not notice the approach of the train.
The funeral services of the late Jacob Baker occurred September 25, at 2 pm from his late residence at 1211 North Ninth at 2 o’clock, the interment was at Aspen Grove. The Rev. Schultz officiated.