Henry Baker
Born: November 8th, 1822
Died: September 29th, 1915
Mr. Henry Baker, aged nearly 93 years, passed away at Burlington hospital last night at nine o’clock. Mr. Baker had been a resident of Burlington since 1850 and was highly respected by all who knew him.
He was born near Hanover, German, November 8, 1822. He came to America at the age of 19 and settled near Hagerstown, Md., where at the age of twenty-five he was married to Miss Katherine Kolb. Mr. Baker came to Burlington in 1850 and has made this city his home ever since. He lived at 817 Arch St. He was a contractor and plasterer by trade but retired from business many years ago. For years he had been a faithful member of the First German Evangelical church. Mr. Baker is survived by one daughter Mrs. J. H. Berges of this city and several grandchildren. His wife died eleven years ago.
The funeral will be held from 606 Cameron St. Saturday, October 2, at 2 pm. Services at German Evangelical church at 2:30 pm Burial in Aspen Grove cemetery.