Catherine Baker
Born: August 28th, 1826
Died: March 20th, 1904
At one o’clock Sunday afternoon, Mrs. Catherine Baker passed away at her residence, No. 817 Arch Street.
Catherine Cult was born in Germany in 1827 and when but seventeen years of age removed to this country with her parents, settling in Maryland. In 1847 she was united in marriage to Henry Baker and came with him to Burlington in 1849, where he engaged in contracting and building.
For several years past Mrs. Baker had been in poor health and though her last illness was short her death was not unexpected. During a greater portion of her life, she had been actively engaged in church work, being a member of the First Evangelical German church. She was a good kind mother and brought up her children in her Christian belief. She is survived by a husband, Henry Baker, who is eighty-two years of age, a sister, Mrs. Hannah Werner of Winfield, and the following children; Henry Baker, of Oklahoma City, William Baker, and Mrs. JH Berges, of this city.
The funeral will be held from the First German Evangelical church, corner of Sixth and Columbia Streets, at 2:30 o’clock tomorrow afternoon.