W. F. Baird
Born: September 22nd, 1818
Died: May 27th, 1892
A tragedy marked the arrival of the St. Louis train at the Union depot last evening. The Rev. WF Baird, of this city, was returning on the train from a visit to his old home in Memphis and with his son Henry in St. Louis. As the train came across the bridge the reverend traveler went about the duty of gathering up his luggage and spoke to the porter about aiding him. The porter took the heaviest of the baggage and proceeded to the door of the coach and as the train approached the depot he turned to look for his aged passenger. Rev. Baird was not visible, and returning to the car, the porter found him dying upon a seat, with an attack of apoplexy. Dr. W.H. Baird was waiting at the depot to meet his father, and as soon as the sad news was communicated to him he sent for a physician. But Rev. Baird was beyond earthly aid. He did not ever recover consciousness and was removed to his home on south 12th street, where he breathed his las an hour later.
Rev. Baird was born on September 22, 1818, in Pennsylvania, near Germantown. It was the desire of his father that his sons learn a trade, and the deceased became an expert in the coach making trade. He then completed a collegiate course in Madison Collete, Uniontown, Pennsylvania, and received his theological education under Rev. Milton Bird, D.D., and Rev. Azil Greeman, D. D. On the 8th of April, 1848, he was admitted to the pulpit. In December of the same year, he came to Iowa, making his home in this city. In September of the following year, he was ordained by the Union Presbytery and a few days later, on the 5th of September, 1849, he was united in marriage to Miss Rebecca B. Harah, or Uniontown. He returned to Burlington that fall and began the work of building up the Cumberland Presbyterian church. He traversed the states of Illinois and Iowa on horseback and no less than seven churches of this denomination owe their existence to his active labors. He was early connected with the Board of Missions of his church and prior to the war made three extensive tours into the southern states. At the outbreak of the war, he severed his connection with the board of missions, which was located in the south, and was appointed one of the three agents of the American Bible Society and the United States Christian commission to superintend evangelical work in the army and navy. Rev. Baird's jurisdiction comprised the armies of the southwest under Generals Grant and Sherman, and his headquarters, after the capture of the city, were at Nashville.
For two years after the war, Rev. Baird continued in the Bible work in the south, being commissioned in charge of the cause in the remnant of the army, and amongst the freedmen. He also extended the scope of his mission to the Chickasaw and Choctaw Indians and did a great good. He resigned from the work in 1966 and returned to Burlington since which time he has had charge of congregations at Mt. Hamill, Lee county, and another in Cedar county. His life has been a notable one and singularly crowded with active work and deeds for the cause of Christianity. He has been largely instrumental in the growth and success of the Cumberland Presbyterian church in Iowa.
He leaves an aged wife and two sons, who have the deep sympathy of this community.