Harry L. Baird
Born: June 20th, 1865
Died: May 13th, 1890
Early yesterday morning Harry L. Baird, the son of Mr. James G. Baird, succumbed to that slow but wasting disease, consumption. He was reared in this city and became an operator in the offices of the Western Union telegraph company at this place, from whence he went to Chicago a few years ago to accept a position in the main offices of the company. Last fall he was compelled to give up his position on account of failing health and came back to try by rest and careful nursing to check the inroads of the disease which had fastened itself upon him. Since his return, he had made his home at the residence of his uncle, Rev. Wm. F. Baird, at 615 S. Twelfth street, where everything possible was done for him, but the disease which had already taken his mother and a brother, would not be stayed in its course and finally gained the victory, ending fatally yesterday.
Hal was a young man in the twenty-fifth year of his age, industrious, intelligent and conscientious-these qualities and an amiable disposition gained for him alike the respect and esteem of business associates and friends. His father and a brother ar the nearest relatives who mourn his untimely end.
The funeral services will be held Thursday afternoon at half=past two o'clock at the residence of his Uncle.