Philip J. Bacher
Born: October 9th, 1888
Died: December 2nd, 1917
The remains of the late Philip Baher, who succumbed to typhoid fever in Galesburg yesterday, will be laid to rest in Aspen Grove cemetery tomorrow afternoon, with services at the Burnett Chapel at 2 o'clock. Friends of the family are invited to these services.
Concerning the death of Mr. Bacher, the Galesburg Republican Register says:
"Mr. Philip Bacher, one of Galesburg's most progressive young businessmen, passed away last night at 9:10 o'clock in his home, 62 East Simmons street. His death resulted from typhoid fever, which he is thought to have contracted upon a hunting trip. Just four weeks ago yesterday he was taken down. During his complete illness, he seemed to grow steadily worse and the efforts of four doctors went for naught in the battle to save his life.
The death of Mr. Bacher comes as a shock in business circles as well as to his friends, of which he possessed a wide circle. Coming to Galesburg three years ago, Mr. Bacher established the cleaning and dying works which bear his name. In his business relations, he had won for himself an enviable reputation and his name became a by-word for his house. In social life, he was genial, cultured and refined, popular and known to all.
Mr. and Mrs. Bacher moved to Galesburg from Burlington on July 15, 1914, and have made their home here since. Mr. Bacher also established a cleaning and dyeing house in Knoxville. The business will be continued by Mrs. Bacher.
Philip J. Bacher was born Oct. 9, 1888, in Burlington, Iowa. He leaves, besides his wife, his mother, Mrs. Jennie Bacher, Burlington, and the following brothers and sisters: Mrs. E.G. Fichtner, Mrs. D.D. Blake, Jack Bacher, Freeman Bacher, all of Burlington; Mrs. J.R. Weston, Chicago; Fred Bacher, Davenport, and Mrs. Mable Mossman, Galesburg. One aunt, Mrs. KittieWellington, New London, was at his bedside nursing him during his illness and another aunt, Mrs. Mattie Powelite, resides in Davenport.