Jane Augutta
Born: January 21st, 1832
Died: August 16th, 1916
Mrs. Jane Hayes Augutta, an honored old resident of Burlington, passed away at her home, No. 1102 S. Fourth street, at 5:00 o'clock yesterday afternoon. She was indeed beloved, not merely by many friends and acquaintances, who had ever found her ready to aid and advise, and to make everybody happy in her hospitable home. Jane Hayes was born in Bellefountain, Ohio, January 21, 1832, and came to Burlington with her parents in 1847. On January 28, 1855, she became the wife of William Augutta, the union proving a very happy one. Mr. Augutta was a widely known citizen, who was held in the highest esteem by a large number of his fellow-citizens. He was prominent in Odd Fellow circles. In 1866, his friends elected him to the office of city treasurer, which he filled to everybody's satisfaction, being re-elected several times and dying in office. He was a man of many excellent qualities and even in those days, when political prejudices were much more apparent than in later years, he counted many of his staunchest friends among the members of the opposition party. Mr. Augutta passed away April 29, 1872. This union was blessed with four children, of whom but one, Miss Minnie Augutta, survives the parents