Lenore H. Yaley
Born: June 24th, 1904
Died: March 19th, 1925
Double funeral services will be held Saturday afternoon for Mrs. Ella Yaley and her daughter, Lenore Yaley, who were found dead in bed at their home, 1017 Summer street yesterday morning, the victims of gas that had escaped in the night from a partly opened jet of the kitchen stove. Mrs. Yaley was 5 years old and the widow of Horace Yaley, a Burlington lawyer, who died twenty years ago. Her daughter was 20 years old and employed in the business office of The Hawk-Eye. The first clue of the tragedy was discovered yesterday morning by The Hawk-Eye in investigating the reason Miss Yaley had not come to work. Employees of the office telephoned to the home and receiving no response, Fred B. Longstreth, circulation manager, went out shortly after 9 o'clock to see if anything was wrong. He observed the window shades were still drawn and the morning paper on the porch, and saw no signs of life about the house. He then went next door to the home of Mrs. H.L. Hunt, 1015 Summer street, and Mrs. Hunt telephoned Mrs. Yaley's sister, Mrs. E.E. young, 300 South Central avenue, who had just returned a few hours before from a trip to Omaha, Nebraska. Mrs. Young hurried to the Yaley home and entry was gained to the house by Mr. Hunt who crawled thru a front window and admitted Mrs. Hunt and Mrs. Young thru the front door. They at once detected gas fumes and going into the bedroom occupied by Mrs. Yaley and Miss Yaley, found them both dead in bed, and on the floor, the lifeless body of their pet dog "Trixie" a french poodle. The dog usually slept in another part of the house and it is believed likely that, sensing danger, it had come into the bedroom to warn its mistresses. From the position of her body, Mrs. Yaley had apparently made an effort to get up but had been unable to do so .As soon as the bodies were discovered, Dr. J.W. Dixon, the family physician, and Dr. George L. Dixon, were called and L.F. Blank,chief of the fire deparment, was notified to rush the pulmotor of the Burlington Gas Light company from the Burlington hospital where it is kept for emergency use. Dr. B.F. Campbell was one of the first physicians to arrive and later Dr. John T. Hanna and Dr. C.E. Kaufman were called to aid in resusitation efforts. The five doctors worked for almost two hours over the bodies but were unable to bring life back to them. At a consultation of the physicians later, they decided that the mother and daughter had been dead four or five hours when they were discovered. The most likely theory that is advanced by relative and physicians is that the gas jet was brushed open by either Mrs. Yaley or her daughter while passing the stove before they retired, or when one of them got up in the night. The bedroom is which Mrs. Yaley and her daughter died is downstairs on the north side of the house, and between it and the kitchen is a small bathroom. Both doors connecting the kitchen and bedroom with the bathroom were open. Physicians believe the gas was emitted slowly from the jet, since it was only partly opened. The effects of the fumes evidently did not permeate the entire house because a canary bird and goldfish in other parts were found alive. Mrs. Yaley had been a resident of Burlington for thirty-five years. She was born in Henderson County,Ill., near Carman, September 24, 1866, and came here later with her mother, Mrs. J.L. DeHague, her father having died. She was later married to Horace Yaley, who was at one time connected with Elliot's Business college and was later associated with a law firm then known as Holsteen & Houston. He died July 29, 1904. Lenore Yaley was born in Burlington, August 23, 1904, a month following the death of her father. She attended Perkins school, went thru high school and then attended the College of Commerce. Last December she entered the employ of The Hawk-Eye. She was a faithful and trust-worthy employe, energetic and willing, and her death has caused a loss that will be keely felt. Both Mrs. Yaley and Miss Yaley were members of the Grace M.E. church, the latter being a member of the Golden Links class and active in Sunday school work. The funeral Saturday afternoon will be held from the home, 1017 Summer street, at 3 o'clock. Rev. Dr. E.W. Stodghill, pastor of Grace church, will officiate. Burial will be in adjoining graves in Aspen Grove cemetery. The bodies are new at Unterkircher's funeral business.