Horace J. Yaley
Born: May 10th, 1871
Died: July 29th, 1904
To all who knew Horace J. Yaley the news of the death of that sterling young man brought the most sincere regrets. He had struggled so hard and had fought so bravely and had conquered no slight obstacles. And when success was at last almost in sight, he was called away, was denied the pleasure of finishing the task, of reaping where he had delved so fatithfully. He was the very soul of honor, modest and retiring, and only those who knew him well know how great the loss is that the community has sustained in his death. One who was near to him said: "Of all the younger men who are coming to the front here, his future seemed to be the most promising, his success the most assured. Horace J. Yaley was born in this city May 10, 1871. He was educated in the public schools; later he worked faithfully at whatever he found to do, taught at the business college for three years, began readin lasw in the office of Senator Harper, then went to Iowa City, where he graduated from the lase department with honors, spent a year in the law office of his old friend Senator Harper, then hung out his own shingle, ever working faithfully, gaining and holding friends and winning the confidence of all who had dealings with him. A year ago he became a member of the law firm of Huston, Holsteen & Yaley, and at the time when he fell sick he was a very busy man. His illness was not deemed serious at first, but a few days ago it became apparent to those who were anxiously watching over him, that there was no hope. Deceased was united in marriage with Miss Ella DeHague eleven years ago, the union proving a very happy one. He is survived by the widow, the aged parents and two brothers at Stronghurst, Ill., and one sister. Mrs. Mark Mellinger of Boise City, Idaho. Horace J. Yaley was a past grand of Excelsior lodge No. 268 I.O.O.F. and secreatary of Court Flint Hills, no. 1924 of the Independent Order of Foresters, and a member of the Legion of Honor. The funeral will be held Monday afternoon at two o;clock from the family residence, no. 717 South Ninth street, under the auspices of Excelsior Lodge; Dr. Elias Handy of the First M.E. church will conduct the services at the home.