Paul E. Beppler
Born: January 1st, 1970
Died: April 4th, 1942
Paul E. Beppler, 68, of N. Fifth Street, a well-known traveling salesman prominent in the Traveler’s Protective Association, died at 5:50 am today in Mercy hospital after an illness of more than a year.
For 33 years he had been on the road for Gardener & Gould Candy company and continued his work until illness forced his retirement in the fall of 1940.
For many years he was active in the local TPA and at one time served as president of the state organization. He also was a member of the Woodmen of the World.
Beppler was born in Cedar Falls, Ia., May 21, 1873, lived later in Waterloo, and came to Burlington when he was 22 years old. He married Hannah Dettmold in Cedar Falls, July 10, 1894.
Surviving are his widow, one son, Paul, Jr., of DesMoines; a daughter, Mrs. Edward Crebs, St. Louis, Mo.; two grandchildren; two sisters, Miss Netta and Miss Ida Beppler, Los Angeles, Cal. A brother and sister preceded him in death.
Funeral services will be held at 2 pm Monday at the Burnett-Wallen Funeral Home. Rev. Carl V. Brown will officiate. Burial will be in Aspen Grove Cemetery.