Charlie Clark Allen
Born: September 15th, 1866
Died: May 14th, 1886
The death of this promising young man, is a cruel blow to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Allen. For the past few years he has been engaged as bookkeeper of his father's business, the Burlingotn Wire Mattress Co and proved a fine apititude for business and gave promise of an honorable and successful future. Last summer he contracted a severe cold from exposure which developed into consumption and last January he went to the more genial climate of Florida, hoping for benefit which came not, and a few weeks ago his parents took him to San Antonia, TX; this change brought no relief, and gradually failing, his young life was exhausted last Friday morning. He was nineteen years of age and such a manly high-principled fellow as will delight the heart of a parent and gain the love and esteen of friends and associates. He was a member of Company H, but resigned some time ago on account of his illness.
His grief stricken parents arrived last night with his remains which will be taken to the desolated home today and conveyed to Christ Church tomorrow, from which place the funeral will be held at 3 o'clock.
A special meeting of the company is hereby ordered for the purpose of attending the funeral of our late comrade Charles Allen. members will assemble at the armory Thursday afternoon at 2:15, roll call at 2:30/ Full uniform, with side arms, By order...JA Guest ...Capt Commanding