Roana Cadwallader
Born: January 1st, 1970
Died: March 22nd, 1889
Mrs. Roana Cadwallader died yesterday at her home, 817 South Eighth street, after an illness of some duration, following the death of her beloved husband, Mr. J.W. Cadwallader, last November. Mrs. Cadwallader was in her sixty-sixth year and for many years resided in our city. The later years of her life saw her in delicate health, though always cheerful and uncomplaining. She was a woman of lovely character and the friends who had opportunity to know her best esteemed and respected her above measure. She was tenderly devoted to her husband and when he died she seemed to lose her hold upon the things of earth and turn to the things of the world beyond. She leaves one child, Mrs. Eugene Buttles of this city, who has been called upon within the space of a few months to mourn the departure of both parents. The funeral will be held tomorrow from the residence above named, at half-past two o'clock.