George Melcher Bosch
Born: January 25th, 1822
Died: October 26th, 1911
George M. Bosch passed away at his home, No. 1606 Division Street at 6:45 last evening, after a severe illness. He was born in the Fatherland, had lived here some thirty years, and reached the age of 55 years 6 months and 2 days. He won many friends here, who will hold him in kindly remembrance. Mr. Bosch was a member of the Bethany Lutheran church and the German-American liberal league. He leaves the widow and adopted niece here. His father, age 85, two sisters, and two brothers are in Germany.
The funeral will be held at 2 o’clock Monday afternoon from the family home, No. 1606 Division Street. He was a member of the Suebian society and that organization will send a strong delegation to attend the funeral services, which will be conducted by the Rev. Robert Neumann, pastor of the Bethan Lutheran Church.