Mary Penny
Born: July 10th, 1827
Died: November 12th, 1908
Another old settler has been removed
the death Of Mrs. Mary Kaster
Penny. who died at her h0trye near West
Burlington. Thursday afternoon. the
12th inst... aged eighty-one years. Mrs.
was born in Shelbyville.
July 10. IS27. She came to Iowa with
her parents by wagon in 1S39. Her
tether bOUKht Jong claim miles
north Ot Burlington. where Els W.
Raster. now lives. Afterwards. to
be near hls business In Burlington, Mr.
Easter, Sr.. bought the farm near West
Burl where he lived till his
death Rnd Where. for the rest of
daughter, Mrs. Penny. lived and
reared her Mrs. •Penny rnd her
brother. W. Kaster, were the last of
a famfly ot eleven children. The de-
ceased was married to Nr. Penny
November 19. 1846. Four children were
born to this rouple„ three of Xvhom are
i tving. namely: Albert C. Penny.
Ciara J. Penny and Mrs. May
Mrs. Penny had seven
children and two great grandchildren,
The deceased united with the First
F.aptigt church of this city thirty years
ego at the time of her death was
Its Olde*t member. Mrs.
Y'enny was a strong character: her
mlnd was far-seeing; her
tin t tve power was extraordinary; her
judgment of people and things was
tn.nrkable; her love of truth and hon-
esty and sense justice was pro-
nonnr•ed. She hgd fitm convictions or
right and wrong she lived up to
them. Had Mrs. lot fn
east in siiferent circumstances.
would have mngle large Place for
In the world*
Mrs. Penny and her daughter. Clara.
Tho tins been ber constant companion.
recently the Tuttle home on
North Eighth street. and part of her
household goods had been moved to the
home. but stie died In the
home that wag dear to her heart
and Vlth ••hich many tender mem-
The funeral services be held
Sunday ut p. m. nt the home Of her
Scholes, tn West Rur-
Pastor Stmong. Of the First
Church. condut•t the
Nnster George Si moms. the
boy soprano. will g ing. Interment will
be made in Grove cemetery.