L. Theodore Ziegenhain
Born: December 14th, 1813
Died: January 12th, 1886
At half-past eight o'clock Tuesday evening at his residence no. 935 West Jefferson street L. Theodore Ziegenhaln, died of heart disease, after a long and protracted sickness. The deceased was born in Frankfort-on-the-Main, Dec. 14, 1813. He emigrated to this country when a young man and settled in Burlington May 10, 1941. He was a stone mason and contractor and by his industry and frugality accumulated a competency for his old age which he has enjoyed for almost a score of years having retired from active business life. His death is mourned by his devoted wife, who survives him, his only son, Chas. T. Ziegenhain, a C.B.&Q. engineer, and three daughters, Mrs. Casper Heil, Mrs. L.T. Pilger and Mrs. Peter Bouquet. Had Mr. Ziegenhain lived until the 14th of this month he and his faithful wife would have passed their golden wedding anniversary. Thus one by one our early settlers are passing away.