John Warren
Born: September 11th, 1801
Died: May 21st, 1877
Rev. John Warren, who yesterday fell asleep in Jesus, was born September 11, 1801, in Madison, Madison county, New York. His parents were exemplary Christians, and gave him the blessing of Godly counsel and example. when about fifteen years old he was powerfully convicted of sins and for nine long years struggled between fear and hope, when he gained the experience that has been the solace of his life, that God for Christ's sake had forgiven him. In 1827 he married Miss Emma Johnson and lived in Central New York till 1851, when he came west to Burlington, Iowa. The family was then composed of himself and wife, a son and two daughters, and Mrs. Warren's mother. The mother , wife and a daughter have already preceded the venerable servant of God and their bodies repose in our city cemetery. Father Warren, as he was familiarly called, began his Christian ministry in the west. It extended over twenty years, and was fruitful in the conversion of souls and in the establishment of the faith of Christians. He was pre-eminently a man of deep and earnest piety. He had a rich Christian experience He knew what it was to walk with God, and he leaves the dearest and best of legacies to his children, "The stainless memory of the just." Mrs. Judge Newman is his only surviving daughter, and the Rev. G. J. Johnson. D.D. his only surviving step son. "Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints.: