Fred M. Timpe
Born: August 10th, 1890
Died: December 12th, 1925
Funeral services for Fred M. Timpe, who passed away in Burlington hospital Saturday evening, will be held Tuesday morning at 11 o'clock from the residence, 253 South Central avenue, with interment in Aspen Grove cemetery. Mr. Timpe, who was 35 years old was well known here among the younger people and had hundreds of friends who will sincerely mourn his passing. He had been ill for almost two years and for several months had been a patient in the hospital. He was born in Montrose, ia., Aug. 10, 1890 and came here with his parents about a year later. Although working in other cities some of the time nearly all of his life was spent in Burlington. He was a member of the 109th Ammunition Train, Company A. in the world war, and saw 23 month's service. He was a member of the United Presbyterian church of Burlington. Fred Timpe is survived by his mother, Mrs. Julia Timpe and two sisters, Bertha and Florene of this city and one brother, Grover Timpe of Chicago.