Edgar F. Smith
Born: January 22nd, 1897
Died: April 23rd, 1925
Edgar F. Smith, aged 27, a world war veteran, passed away at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Smith, 1202 Oak street, Thursday evening at 7 o'clock, following an illness which had lasted since February. Mr. Smith was born in this city, January 22, 1897 and had lived here practically all of his life. He attended the Burlington schools in his youth and during the recent world war he served for eighteen months in the American army. He was a member of Company I, Forty-second division of the 168th infantry. Following the war he worked for the American Express Co., previous to his illness. He was a member of the First Evangelical church, Des Moines lodge No. 1 A.F. and A.M. the Murad Grotto, the American Legion and the Crapo lodge of Express Messengers. He is survived by his parents, two sisters, Margaret J. and Phyllis Smith, and a brother, Woodford E. Smith, all of whom are at home. The body is at the Prugh chapel.