Frank L. Boesch
Born: January 1st, 1970
Died: June 15th, 1881
Mr. John Boesch, of the firm CF & John Boesch, and the family and friends are called upon to mourn the loss of a dear little child whose presence has been as daily sunshine to the household. A few days ago, while Frankie Boesch was playing with a toy pistol in which miniature cartridges are used his hand was wounded by the explosion. The wound was not deep and attracted but little attention as it was supposed to be only a flesh wound and would soon heal. Unfortunately, however, the wound began to grow painful and inflamed, finally resulting in lockjaw, relieved only by death. The funeral will be held this afternoon from the family residence, 814 North Third Street, at 1:30 pm and from the erman ME Church at 2 pm.