Louis Baumberger
Born: November 25th, 1836
Died: June 8th, 1909
Louis Baumberger, an old and highly respected pioneer, passed away Tuesday night at his home in Sunnyside, after an illness of some duration. He was born in Tuscarawas County, Ohio, November 26, 1836, and came here with his parents in 1837. He went to school here and began life as the driver of a milk wagon for his father. Later he recognized the need of better transportation facilities for Burlington and in company with the late John Niewoebner, he built and operated the original North Hill Street railway. The barn stood near the Baumberger home in Sunnyside and the motive power was furnished by horses and mules. Later Mr. Baumberger engaged in the manufacture of brick, the kilns being located near his home. Mr. Baumberger gave the city five years of faithful service in the office of street commissioner, and of late had been enjoying well-earned rest at his comfortable home.
Louis Baumberger was married in 1862 to Miss Anna Wilhelm, who passed away two years ago. The marriage proved to be a happy one, and the parents are mourned by the following children; Anna, Theodore, Edward, Hattie, Laura, and one brother, Henry, and two grandchildren, Ethel and Ralph Baumberger.
Mr. Baumberger was widely known and highly respected. Blessed with a sunny disposition, he was always a welcome guest, and surely the world has been better and brighter for his presence in it.
Funeral will be held this afternoon at 3 o’clock, from the family home on Sunnyside Avenue.