Peter Gross
Born: January 1st, 1970
Died: December 30th, 1919
Service for Peter Gross will take place at the Unterkircher chapel at 8 o'clock Friday morning, the Rev. Father Thomas Galligan of St. Paul's Catholic church officiating. Interment will be made in Aspen Grove. Friends are invited to these services. Peter Gross died at the Soldiers' home at Quincy, Ill., at the ripe age of 82 years. He was a resident of Burlington before the days of the Civil War. When Abraham Lincoln called for volunteers, Peter Gross was living at Quincy, Ill., and he enlisted there and gave the country good and faithful service. When the burden of the years began to weigh heavily upon him and his working day were over, he found a good home in the fine institution at Quincy. So far as known he had no relatives here.