Lyman Cook Hedge
Born: January 16th, 1877
Died: April 30th, 1942
Lyman (Bud) Hedge, former telegraph editor of The Hawk-Eye, a World war veteran and first commander of Burlington's American Legion post, died at his home, 510 Court street, early this morning following an extended illness. in failing health the past three months, the war veteran had been bedfast the past two weeks at his home. A native of Burlington, he was born Jan. 16, 1877, the son of Congressman and Mrs. Thomas Hedge. His mother was the former Mary Cook. He was a graduate of Yale university, class of 1900. The former newspaperman was an ardent sportsman in his younger years and held the distinction of being among the first persons to scale the Jungfrau mountain in Switzerland. During the World war he was a member of the Fifth engineers, seeing overseas service. He was a member of the First Congregational church and served for some time as secretary of the Kiwanis club. Surviving are a sister, Anna Louise Hedge, and two aunts, Mrs. C.P. Squires and Mrs. William Carson, both of Burlington. His parents and two brothers, Henry and Thomas H. Hedge Jr., preceded him in death. Services will be held at the residence at 10 a.m. Saturday, conducted by Rev. Bruce Masselink, pastor of First Congregational church. Interment will be in Aspen Grove cemetery. The body will repose at Prugh's chapel until removed to the home at 8 a.m. Saturday.