Ellen Ellis Bodemann
Born: December 12th, 1817
Died: September 19th, 1888
Mrs. Ellis Bodemann died at ten o’clock last evening at the residence of her son-in-law, Dr. WW Nassau. She was seventy years of age and had lived in Burlington for many years. She was well-known and highly respected, and her death will be mourned by many warm friends.
The funeral of Mrs. Ellen E Bodemann was held at ten o’clock yesterday morning from the home of her daughter, Mrs. WW Nassau. The service was conducted by Rev. Dr. Salter in the presence of a large assemblage of neighbors and old friends. Mrs. Bodemann was a woman of many rare virtues and her numerous acts of charity and generous kindness have made her name dearly beloved by scores of people in our city who have felt the touch of her kindly hand.