Charles William. Bodemann
Born: December 18th, 1850
Died: December 10th, 1886
This sad event occurred at half-past nine o’clock this morning at the residence of Dr. Nassau. The deceased had been in delicate health during the past three years, developing into consumption, which was the immediate cause of his death.
Charles W. Bodemann, Jr., was the eldest son of the late CW Bodemann and Mrs. Ellen Bodemann and was born in this city thirty-six years ago. After leaving school he was employed in the wholesale drug houses of CP Squires & Co. and Reynolds & Churchill, and afterward was the local agent of the Whitebreast Coal Company’s business. Declining health prevented him from making use of his excellent business ability and abundant financial resources, and though he sought relief in travel and careful medical attention, the disease was beyond cure, and his friends were pained to watch it progress. Charley Bodemann was a genial, generous young man, popular among a wide range of acquaintances, and his early death will be deeply regretted. His younger brother Frank died a few years ago in Detroit, and his mother Mrs. Ellen Bodeman, and his sister, Mrs. Dr. Nassau, are the only surviving members of the family.
The funeral will be held Monday at 10 am from the residence of Dr. Nassau.