Charles Wellington Rand
Born: February 12th, 1855
Died: March 6th, 1900
Charles Wellington Rand died at Los Angeles, Cal., at 6 o'clock last evening. The sad intelligence was received by Burlington relatives by telegram early this morning. The news was not unexpected by his relatives and friends in this city, as it was known by them that his chances for recovery were very slight. Death was due to Bright's disease, and it was for treatment for this ailment that he left his home in Burlington on January 25, and with his family went to the Pacific coast, where he has since been at the home of his wife's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Higgins. Every possible aid known to medicine was given him, but the ravages of the disease could not be checked and the inevitable end came last night. Mr. Rand's mother, Mrs. Carrie A. Rand, and sister, Miss Carrie Rand, are now enroute to Egypt, and are at some unknown place on the high seas, and some time must necessarily elapse before they will receive the sad information. His brother, Mr. Horace S. Rand, is now at Naples, Italy. Mr. Rand's wife and three children were at his bedside throughout his illness and at the hour of his death. Mr. Thomas Wilkinson, of this city, departed for Mr. Rand's bedside last week, and it is thought reached Los Angeles before the fatal hour. The remains will doubtless be brought to Burlington for interment in the family lot at Aspen Grove. Mr. Rand's death is a direct loss of much magnitude to the city and vicinity of Burlington and a calamity that causes deep sorrow among his relatives and his many intimate friends in Burlington. He was in his prime of life, being but 45 years of age, and was well on his way to an unusually successful and brilliant business career. He was a shrewd and very active business man and greatly improved the large opportunities which his birth afforded him. his personal traits and characteristics were excellent. He was progressive in every respect and was most generous, kind and sympathetic in the interest which he ever took in his fellow men. his acts of charity and kindness were many, but were seldom known to any except those benefited. He was conceded to be one of the best business men in Burlington, but he did not fail to give the proportion of his time and thoughts to his home where his chief interest in life was. Charles W. Rand was the son of Hon. E.D.Rand and Carrie A. (Sherfrey) Rand. His parents were among the old settlers in Burlington, taking up their residence here in 1839, and his father was one of the most prominent business men in Iowa. C.W. .Rand received his primary education in the public schools of Burlington, took a regular course in the High School, and subsequently a two years' course in Burlington College. His business training was most thorough, systematic and practical. in the year 1782, when he was but 17 years of age, he went to Chicago as employe of the large mercantile house of Marshal Field & Co. There he wheeled truck loads of goods and did the duties of a clerk and other manual labor, and in 1876 he went to Philadelphia, where he engaged as a clerk in a dry goods store. In 1877 he returned to Burlington, and became a clerk in the dry goods house of C.B. Parsons. in 1877 he became a junior partner of the frim of Wyman & Rand, wholesale and retail dealers in carpets. A furniture and wall paper department was added to the business and Mr. Rand took charge of this. He continued in this business until about eight years ago. The death of his father, which occurred in 1887, necessarily changed his plans and he gave up active work with the Wyman & Rand company to take charge of other business interests and act as trustee of his father's estate. His wealth was invested in Burlington property and business enterprises which he enlarged greatly with time. At the time of his death he was the president of the Rand & Leopold Desk Co., was the sole owner of the Tama block, and was a director in the following concerns: National State Bank of Burlington, Rand Lumber company, Burlington Lumber company, Carson-Rand Lumber company of Keokuk, and the Valley Lumber company of Eua Claire, Wis .In addition to these he was a large owner of stock in many other large enterprises and concerns in this vicinity. Added to his progressiveness in business he was a very public-spirited man and always took an active part in whatever was to the interest in Burlington. He was recently largely interested in farm lands in Iowa and in stock raising. He became aware of the fact last November that he was afflicted with kidney trouble, and he immediately made preparations for a respite from business and for a trip to the Pacific coast for special treatment. He left Burlington with his family on January 25, but instead of improving his condition continued to grow worse. He is survived by his widow, two sons and one daughter; his mother, Mrs. Carrie A. Rand, and sister, Miss Carrie Rand, who, as stated above, are now en route to Egypt; his brother, Horace S. Rand, is now traveling in Europe and at the present time is in Italy; a sister, Mrs. John H. Sherfey, of this city, and George D. Rand, of Keokuk.