Margaret Ellen Parry
Born: January 1st, 1970
Died: June 19th, 1908
Mrs. M.E. Parry, one of the widely known and highly respected pioneers, passed away at Burlington hospital, about midnight, Friday, after an illness of several years. Margaret Wood was born in Washington, Mason county, Kentucky, in 1832, the daughter of Charles Wood and Elizabeth Sargent Ritchie. The family moved to Burlington in 1843, and here the parents died nearly forty years ago. Margaret Wood was married to David Parry in 1857, the union being blessed with five sons, three of whom died in infancy. Charles and Andrew grew up here, went to Shreveport, LA., where they died about twenty-five years ago. Mrs. Parry had always been a faithful and consistent Christian, and was at the time of her death the oldest living member of the Congregational church here, having united with the church in 1848. She had many friends in the city and in her congregation., and among them the beloved pastor, Dr. William Salter, who ha watched over the flock more than sixty years. While her path through life had not been always through flowery glades, and there had been storms and lowering skies, her faith had remained undaunted and she preserved through it all the sweetness of temper which wins friends everywhere. Among the surviving relatives are on sister, Mrs. M.R. Darwin, and a niece, Miss Anna Darwin, a brother-in-law, M. Dunn, and a niece, Mrs. Margaret C. Bell, of Kansas City. The relationship was an extensive one, and there were none both among the relatives and the friends and acquaintances, who were not benefited by the acquaintance with this excellent woman. The funeral will be held Monday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock from the family residence, No. 621 North Third street.