John Peter Weis
Born: January 1st, 1970
Died: September 18th, 1934
John P, Wels, 80, o! 1110 Bartlett street, proprietor of a music store here many years, died at his home early today following atteran illness of several years,The Weis music store was on Jefferson street between Seventh audEighth streets until his retirementin 1915.The music store owner was bornin Sweden, May 31, 1854, coming tothe Vnited States 56 years ago. Hecame to Burlington four years laterand bad lived here ever since.ur. Weis was married to Caro-lina Larson, March 9, 1882. Hiswidow survives, in addition to fourchildren. Mrs. W, I), Taylor, Juos('alit. ; Ray, Pasadena,Angeles,Calif.; Alfred, Chicago,andHilmar ot Burlington. and onegrandchild. Two children preceded Weis in death.Pending completion of arrange-ments for services, the body is atprueh'g chapel.Funeral services for Mr. John WEis, who passed away Sept. 18, 1934, at 5 a.m. will be held in Prugh's chapel, Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Friends invited, Interment will be in Aspen Grove cemetery.