Elizabeth Waldschmidt
Born: May 22nd, 1843
Died: December 17th, 1922
Mrs. Elizabeth Waldschmidt, esteemed and well beloved Burlington woman, died Sunday evening at 9:45 o'clock at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Charles U. Messmer, 633 McKinley avenue. Mrs. Waldschmidt has been in failing health for the past three years and the end came peacefully. She was 79 years old. Mrs. Waldschmidt was Miss Elizabeth Bercht. She was born in this city May 22, 1843 in a frame house in the rear of the Model Bakery on Third street. She was the sole survivor of her family, her parents coming here in 1833, being among the first residents of the city. She received her educatioin in a St. Louis convent school. She was married to Capt. Theodore Waldschmidt February 8, 1865, and six children were born to the union, two of whom survive: Mrs. Fannie Messmer and John George Waldschmidt. There are also five grandchildren. Capt. Waldschmidt died in 1894. For many years the Waldschmidt home was located at the southeast corner of Main and Angular streets, and there Mrs. Waldschmidt made her abode, for sentimental reasons, for several years after her children were married. She was generous and charitable and no call of distress ever went unheeded when it came to her ears. Her greatest delight was in doing good for others and her cheerful personality and ready aid has cheered many home and made for her many fast and true friends, who grieve with the family. She was a member of the Women's Relief corps, Burlington Hospital Aid society and Hawkeye Nataives Auxiliary and was active in all these organizations. She was no passive member but devoted all her kindly energies to the good work of any group with which she was associated. The funeral will be held Wednesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock from the home of Mrs. Messmer. it is requested that flowers be omitted, Interment will be private.