Theo. Bercht Waldschmidt
Born: October 3rd, 1877
Died: December 28th, 1897
At half past three yesterday morning, at the home of his mother, Mrs. E. Bercht Waldschmidt, No. 604 South Main street, occurred the death of Theodore Bercht Waldschmidt. The young man was ill but two weeks with typhoid fever. He was born in this city twenty years ago, namely, on the 3rd day of October, 1877. he was the youngest son of Theo. F.M. and E.B. Waldschmidt, He graduated from South Hill school June 14, 1893, and entered the Burlington High school, where he pursued the regular course for two years and supplemented that with the one year business course. He was at one time a faithful carrier for The Hawk-Eye and was like by the people and the paper he served. At the time he was taken ill he was employed by E.O. Graeser, South Main street. It is said of the young man that he was of a most cheerful disposition and delighted to make those about him happy and that he had a high sense of honor and devotion to duty. Three years ago his father was called away and he is survived by his sorrowing mother, two sisters and a brothr. The funeral will be held Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the family residence on South Main street.