Elinor J Waldschmidt
Born: December 12th, 1871
Died: June 5th, 1898
After a lingering illness of six weeks of typhoid fever, Miss Elinor J. Waldschmidt, twin daughter of Captain T. F.M. Waldschmidt and Elizabeth Bercht Waldschmidt, died at St. Francis hospital, at 8:10 o'clock Sunday morning. The deceased was born in this city December 12th, 1871. She received her education in the schools of this city and graduated from High School on June 12, 1891. She afterwards took a postgraduate course to fit her for the profession of teacher completing her studies at the Teachers' Training School January 29, 1893. When taken ill she was engaged in teaching at Tamatown school, north of this city. During her long illness she was constantly attended by her faithful mother, who was ever at her bedside filling every want. Miss Elinor Waldschmidt enjoyed a large circle of affectionate friends, who will be pained to learn of her untimely demise. She was an accomplished and loving girl, kind and charitable to all, and ever ready to assist those in need. her twin brother, Richard, died in June, 1875. Her father, Captain Waldschmidt, died September 16, 1894, and her borther, Theodore, died but a few months ago. The sorrowing mother, one sister, Mrs. Chas. Mesmer and a brother, Geroge, survive. The funeral will be held Tuesday afternoon at 4 o'clock from the family residence, on South Main street.