William O. Ware
Born: January 1st, 1818
Died: June 29th, 1886
On June 29th, at Rome, New York, occurred the death of the above well known citizen of Burlington. He went there some months ago for treatment of a cancer on the side of his face but his death was caused by other complications of disease culminating in brain fever. Mr. Ware was a native of New England and was known by many as "Yankee" Ware. He came to Burlington many years ago and with his brother-in-law opened a notion store, which he conducted some years. He was a travelling salesman for Kellog, a wholesale clothier of Chicago and was thus engaged until several years ago, when he retired from active business. Being of a thrifry nature and economical in his life, he accumulated considerable property, estimated to be more than $75,000. Five years ago he built a neat and spacious residence on Third street, which, with its surroundings, were receiving constant improvements. He was 68 years of age, and his widow alone survives him. The funeral was held this afternoon at four o'clock from his late residence, 915 North Third street.