Marilda Bangs
Born: February 2nd, 1842
Died: August 25th, 1902
Without a moment’s warning, death came to Mrs. Marilda Bangs last evening. For years she had driven down to the Burlington Lumber company’s mill to bring home her husband after the day’s work was done. She left home yesterday apparently as well as ever; greeted her husband and as usual, they slowly drove homeward. When within a few blocks of the house Mrs. Bangs complained of a strange feeling. Immediately thereafter she became unconscious. But a few minutes later the home was reached, and she was carried into the house. Dr. Moerke was summoned but found that his patient was beyond all early pain. She must have passed away almost instantly after she fell ill. Deceased was sixty years of age and had lived here many years. She was a woman of many good qualities and was a prime favorite with all who knew her. She leaves the husband, E. C. Bangs, and two daughters, Mrs. CR Dizon and Mrs. JH Scholer. The family has long lived at No. 600 Lynn Street and the surviving members have the sympathy of a large circle of friends and acquaintances.
The funeral will be held at her late home, Thursday morning at 9 o’clock. Interment at Aspen Grove cemetery.