Peter Adank
Born: April 20th, 1875
Died: June 7th, 1942
Peter Adank, 67, former resident of Burlington, died Sunday in Chicago, Il and his body will be brought to Prugh's chapel Wednesday. Funeral announcements will be made later.
He was born in Fountain City Wis, April 20, 1875, and came here with his parents when five. he has made his home in Chicago since 1924.
Surviving is his wife, Sarah; one son, Wesley; three grandchildren; two sisters, Mrs. K. Pinner, Chicago, and Mrs. Ed Helwig, Burlington.
Adank was the son of Adam and Mary Hagnauer Adank and was united in marriage Oct 20, 1917, to Sarah Englehorn. Prior to leaving here in 1924, he was employed at the West Burlington rail shops and until retirement three years ago worked as a steamfitter in the Northwestern shops in Chicago. While in Burlington he was a member of old St. Pauls M.E. church. He was preceded in death by a sister and a brother.