Abraham Gale Adams
Born: September 29th, 1830
Died: June 18th, 1887
(just a sample from his very long obituary)
Away back in ante bellum days he became acquainted with U.S. Grant, whom he met in the course of business and with whom he formed a warm friendship. This acquaintance was in existence when Grant was living at Galena and was often renewed upon subsequent meetings. When General Grant came through here in 1879 he was the guest of Mr. Adams during the entire time of his stay here. Mr. Adams was also smoung the guests at the famous Chicago banquet and called upon the old soldier in his declining days, in the summer of 1885; their last meeting.
The telegraph was busy yesterday in notifying distant friends of the sad event and arrangements were concluded last evening, for the holding of the funeral.
This will take place from the family residence, 727 North Fifth street at nine o'clock Tuesday morning.
Mr. Adams was born at Sterling, Mass., Sept 29, 1830; came to Burlington in 1838 with his father Reuben S. Adams who established the wholesale boot, shoe and leather business, became a leading and prosperous merchant and died in this city at his home on West Hill,now the residence of his son-in-law C.B. Parsons, April 2, 1864. Being admitted to the firm in 1851, he continued the business alone after his father's death unti four years ago when his son Frank O. Dams was given a parinership and the active management of the business, which was enlarged two years ago by the addition of a factory, in which a hundred persons find constant employement.
Mr. Adams married June 3rd, 1852, Miss Emily Sophia Swain, a sister of Mrs. Col. J.C. Abercrombie of this city, who died December 18, 1872. To them twelve children were born, five dying infancy, the other, Edward DeBois Adams, a young man of great promise and fine business capacities meeting an untimely death December 21, 1877.
The surviving children of the family are Misses Fannie, Genevieve and Maude, and Frank O., Arthur A., and William Gale Adams, who reside in this city and were present at their father's death. His venerable mother died April 16, 1876, and his only sister, Mrs. Anna Maria, wife of C.B. Parsons, of this city, died Sept, 6, 1881.