John Acott
Born: November 22nd, 1822
Died: November 30th, 1914
John Acott, one of the oldest men in Burlington and Des Moines County, passed away at Burlington hospital yesterday morning. He had been in feeble health for several years. Mr. Acott was born in England, Nov 22, 1822, and came to Burlington in 1865. He found employment in the big shops at West Burlington as an expert blacksmith. And there he kept busy for many years, winning the friendship and the esteem of his shopmates, as well as the men higher up. Among his neighbors he was well-liked. The family home is at No 109 Plance street and the good old man is survived by the widow, who is 80 years of age. The funeral will be held from the Unterkircher chapel at two o'clock this (Tuesday) afternoon, with interment in Aspen Grove.