John E. Wells
Born: December 31st, 1903
Died: June 6th, 1971
John E. Wells, 67, of S. Central, died in Burlington Memorial hospital at 5:25 a.m.Sunday, June 6. A long time employe of the Burlington-Northern Shops, stores department, Mr. Wells retired two years ago.
He was the son of Ernest E. and Clara Nantz Wells, and was born Dec. 31,1903, in Burlington,
He was married to Marguerite Fouts in Burlington on Aug. 12, 1940. Mr. Wells was a member of Walnut Street Baptist church and was a past worthy president of Fraternal Order of Eagles. He was also a member
of Burlington Gymnastic society.and Railroad Veterans organization, and ct the board of directors of Burlington Baseball Assn, Surviving; The wife; daughter, Mrs. Judith Beik of Wapello,and brother Albert Wells of
Buena Park, Calif. Funeral: Giles Chapel at 2 p.m. Tuesday, Rev. Richard Martin, Aspen Grove cemetery.