Clay Milton Waite
Born: October 9th, 1864
Died: October 17th, 1951
The death of Clay Waite this week marked the passing of a fine gentleman. He was 85. He had not been active in recent years, had been in failing health for some time prior to his death Wednesday. But in years gone by he had a wholesome interest in the well-being of his community. For many years he was business manager and a part owner in the old Burlington Hawk-Eye of which his father, J.I. Waite was publisher. He was well known in business and civic circles at that time, and in the social activities of the day including membership in the Golf club and the old Burlington Boating association. His was a cultural background and through the years he was kind and pleasant, interested in the finer things of life, true to his church, a friend to his acquaintances, a reader of good books and a patron of good music.