Thomas F Brown
Born: July 6th, 1843
Died: March 19th, 1920
Thomas Brown, of 209 Grattan street, died at St. Francis hospital at 4:50 o'clock yesterday afternoon. He was born in Chillicothe, Ohio July 6, 1843. When he was still a small child his parents moved to Rock island, Ill., where he grew to young manhood. When Lincoln's call went forth for men to serve the union, he enlisted in Co. K, in the First Illinois cavalry, and later he served in the Twenty-Eighth Illinois infantry regiment. Prior to his first enlistment he had served in the Missouri Home Guards, which were disbanded when the country called for men. He was married on February 15, 1865 to Frances Axtell at Rock Island, Ill. To them were born nine children, two of whom died in infancy. His wife died January 22, 1888 and he became both father and mother to the seven remaining children. In October, 1907, he was married to Mrs. Lydia Middleton, and lived happily with her until March 25, 1915, when she passed to her reward. Since her death he lived alone in the little cottage on Grattan street. He had been failing for some time and the end was not unexpected. He was a good and faithful soldier and he was good in all things and faithful. He leaves the following children: Edward P. Brown, Samuel Brown, Mrs. Mary Klaus, Mrs. Lizzie Whitten, all of Peoria; Thomas Brown and Mrs. Florence Cox, both of Des Moines and Mrs. Alma Baumgartner of this city. There are nineteen grandchildren and eleven great grandchildren and many friends who will honor his memory.The funeral services to which members of the G.A.R. are specially invited will be announced later.