Samuel August Streed
Born: May 7th, 1829
Died: October 13th, 1919
Information was received in this city today by relatives of the death of S.A. Streed at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Emma Erickson, in Lafayette, Ind. The remains will be brought to this city for burial. Mr. Streed left this city about twelve years ago, to make his home with his daughter. Previous to that time he had lived here for a long period and for many years was a foreman in the Burlington Lumber company plant. He was a veteran of the civil war and was a member of Sherman's army that made the famous march to the sea. He had passed his 90th year and was favorably known by many friends in this city. in addition to Mrs. Erickson he leaves another daughter, Mrs. Carrie Loomis, who lives in California.