Robert Ray Ward
Born: July 11th, 1921
Died: June 21st, 1983
Robert R. Ward, 61, of 2008 S. 15th, died in Burlington Medical Center Tuesday, June 21. He was born July 11, 1921, to Willard V. and Gail T. Mills Ward, at Richland. He married Yalon Nagy March 20, 1944, in Burlington. Mr. Ward was an agent for Physicians Mutual Insurance Co. and was a member of the United Methodist Church. Surviving: The wife; three daughters, Connie Little, Quincy, Ill., Patricia Burchett, Ankeny and Linda Wood, Burlington, four sisters, Betty Smith, Arlene Stewart, Marilyn Nebergall, and Jeri Carter, all of Burlington; his mother, Gail Ward, Burlington and seven grandchildren. Funeral: 2:30 p.m. Thursday at Sheagren Funeral Home, the Rev. Larry A. Winkler, Aspen Grove Cemetery. A memorial has been established to the Cancer Unit of Burlington Medical Center.