George Temple
Born: April 6th, 1804
Died: January 23rd, 1878
The melancholy intelligence was received here yesterday of the death by appoplexy, in Ottumwa, of Major George Temple, long and favorably known to the early settlers of Burlington, Major Temple was a native of New HAmpshire and migrated when a mere youth to Illinois and thence to Burlington in 1836, and to Ottumwa about 1860. He was the third postmaster of this city, an office which he held for many years. He also held the places of colonel and general under the old militia organization; was repeatedly elected member of the legislature, both under the territorial and state organizations; and was speaker of the house of representatives in 1850. He was appointed visitor to the West Point military academy by President Pierce, in 1853, and held many other positions of trust and confidence. The deceased, we believe, was in his seventy-fourth year, and was universally esteemed by all who knew him for his many noble qualities of head and heart. The remains, we are informed, will be brought to this city for interment.