Clara Brautigam
Born: September 9th, 1864
Died: January 14th, 1931
Miss Clara Brautigam, member of a pioneer Burlington family and a well-known resident of the city, died in Burlington Hospital at 11:45 this morning after an extended illness. She had been in a critical condition for three months with a heart ailment.
Miss Brautigam was born in Burlington, the daughter of Charles and Marie Brautigam, who were among the earliest settlers in this section. She lived here all her life and was a member of the First Congregational church and active in the old society of the church. She was known among her friends for the breadth of her interests and her love for her home. To sisters, Miss Bertha Brautigam, a teacher at Lauman school, and Mrs. Erich Stein survive.
The deceased made her home with her sister, Miss Brautigam, and 1415 Amelia Street.
The body was taken to Prugh’s chapel pending funeral arrangements.
Funeral services will be held Friday afternoon at 2 o’clock at the home, 1415 Amelia Street.