Carl Julius Ohrt
Born: April 27th, 1822
Died: May 12th, 1901
As announced yesterday evening, the death of Carl Julius Ohrt occurred yesterday morning at the home of his son, Henry C. Orth, 1224 Doemland street. The funeral took place at 2 o'clock this afternoon from the residence and was largely attended. Deceased was born in Oldenburg, Germany, April 28, 1822. At an early age, he started to learn the printer's trade, but shortly afterwards emigrated to America. Shortly after his arrival here the Mexican war broke out. He at once volunteered his services to Uncle Sam and served with distinction in his ranks. Burlington had been his home for the past fort-five years. Several of those years were spent in the service of the city as street commissioner and sidewalk inspector, and no official ever gave the city more conscientious service than did Carl Orth. Both his public and private life were such as to win him the highest regard and respect of his acquaintances, and he died in the full enjoyment of the same. He is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Mary Gorman, and on son, Henry C. Orth both of this city.